Ember Handbook


Patterns are part of the engine that powers a component.


Abstract the instantiation process

  • Make the system independent of how components are created
  • Class pattern: Uses inheritance to vary the class’ instantiation
  • Creational Pattern: Delegate instantiation
  • Composition over Inheritance


Concerned with how components are composed to form larger structures

  • Decorator

    Adds a little something

  • Adapter

    Connects incompatible components

  • Bridge

    Make abstraction and implementation exchangeable

  • Facade

    The entry to a subsystem


Concerned with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities

  • Patterns of communication between behaviors
  • Characterize complex control flow that’s difficult to follow at run-time
  • Shift focus from flow of control to how things are connected
  • Command

    Enacpsulates a request/(trans)action

  • Strategy

    Interchangeable algorithms family