Ember Handbook

Provider Component


Invocation Styled Content Structure Logic
block no no no yes


  • Only concerned with how things work.
  • Contains logic.
  • Renderless.
  • Yields data and functions for further interaction.


Provider components are and invisible logic layer that provide you data and/or methods to operate with that.

DataManager Component

As an example, a very, very simple version of the <DataManager> component Desai (2017) describes in detail is been used. It takes an arbitrary list of items and will provide them in a sorted fashion.

{{yield (hash


The <DataManager> is invoked and @items are passed in. In this case it’s declarative but can also be a variable available to the template. The yielded data variable provides access to the sorted items, that are displayed in a list.

  • ananas
  • apple
  • banana
  @items={{array "banana" "apple" "ananas"}} 
  as |data|
    {{#each data.sortedItems as |item|}}